I just saw on my Facebook feed yesterday, that a friend had posted about how annoying it is that you can’t get a plastic bag anywhere in Austin. I couldn’t help but cringe. Did you know that every plastic bag ever created still exists and will continue to exist for decades after your death? Plastic does not biodegrade, and thus lives on for hundreds of years. Plastic has even been found in human DNA. (Check out this frightening article to find out more.) Plastic clogs up our creeks and streams, destroying our natural water systems. Plastic bags are responsible for millions of wildlife deaths due to the animal getting caught in the bag or mistaking it for food.
So tell me again how much of an inconvenience it is to you that you must carry your own reusable bag to the grocery store. At least nine cities in Texas, Austin included, have banned plastic bags in the last few years. Many citizens are opposed to this, out of what I assume is ignorance. We all have to share this planet, and we’ve made a huge mess of it. Perhaps the majority of the public doesn’t know the effects plastic bags have on the environment, and we need to put forth more efforts to show them. Many people who oppose banning plastic bags feel that it doesn’t put a dent in the health of the environment, so why even bother with it? But I feel like that is ridiculous, and that every effort counts. Some environmentalists feel that the public should want to help the environment, and we should encourage them to make that decision instead of prohibiting plastic bags and making the call for them. What these folks fail to realize is that humans are convenience creatures who like instant gratification. It is neither convenient or an instant fix to our environment to ban plastic bags, and thus most people would never make that decision, especially if they’ve been using plastic bags all their life.
The fact of the matter is this: anything we can do to help our suffering environment needs to be done. As the health of the environment continues to decline, ours as humans will as well.
Thank you, and goodnight.
(If you want to delve more into the plastic bag argument, check out this article from Salon.)